
web portal

Network Access

Our domain has many parts, here you will find links that access our home network directly.


Browse all files on our home network.


Access and play our music library via any HTML5 web browser or iOS / Android device using AudioGalaxy.


Access aplications hosted on our home network via your Windows, OSX, iOS or other client.


Access our home network Plex media server.


Access our webmail server.

Sub Domains

This site has several sub domains for other sites and testing sites, where I will be building and testing web services.

Star Trek Liverpool

A website designed for a Star Trek club in the Liverpool area of the UK

Teacher Planner

A cloud based teacher planner similar to the paper ones that many teachers are familliar with.

Contact Us

This website is owned and ran by Elliott Tjia and Stephen Fee. You can contact us using the form below.

First Name:
Last name: